Publication Advertisement
- Published annually since 1969
- Widely circulated in Malaysia & overseas
- Used as trusted source by Trade Commissioners
- Available in print-copy and e-book (USB)
The FMM Directory of Malaysian Industries is in its 54th year of publication.
Reputed as the most popular and best utilised tool for business contacts, the annual directory is an effective medium to further promote Malaysian products and services for better worldwide reach and to make Malaysian industries globally competitive.
For as low as RM 7.00 per day, your advertisement in the FMM Directory will
provide global exposure for your products, which will, in turn, increase market
access and sales of your company as evidenced by the repeat advertisers in the
FMM Directory.
Companies who are interested in placing advertisements in the Directory, please fill up the attached FMM Directory Advertisement Rate Card.pdf and fax it to FMM at 03-6274 1266/7288. For further information, please contact
Ms Sammy Phuah / Mr Mohd Shahrul / Mr Mohd Affis
Tel: 03-6286 7211 / 6286 7376/ 6286 7209
Making Malaysian Companies Globally Competitive!
Business in Action @ FMM is a quarterly online magazine of FMM. It has been redesigned to provide more readable and value-added information to keep members updated on issues of interest/concern to their business.
Information will include updates on trade agreements signed by Malaysia with partner countries and market alerts will help members take advantage of market opportunities created by liberalisation and internationalisation of trade around the world. Activities and programmes highlighted in this newsletter will alert members to a wide range of informative, educational and interactive events that will enhance their business success. The section on Human Resource and Industrial Relations will provide some guidance on how to handle and manage problems relating to wages, annual leave termination of employment, etc.
Members who are keen to promote their existing or new products/technologies may contact:
Ms Sammy Phuah / Mr Mohd Affis/ Mr Mohd Shahrul
Tel: 03-6286 7211 / 6286 7376/ 6286 7209
- Business in Action @ FMM April - June 2022