Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers held at
Dewan FMM, 2nd Floor, Wisma FMM, No 3, Persiaran Dagang
PJU9, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 2.00pm
YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai
YKGI Holdings Berhad
YBhg Dato' Dr Ir Andy K. H. Seo
Alphaprima Engineering Sdn Bhd
Mr Jacob Lee Chor Kok
Asli Mechanical Sdn Bhd
Ms Michelle Hah
Fire Fighter Industry Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Nathan K Suppiah
ISUS JVC Industries Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Gan Tack Kong
Ngan Yin Food Industries Sdn Berhad
YBhg Dato' Goh Boon Kim
Taik Sin Timber Industry Sdn Berhad
Members (Ordinary)
YBhg Dato' Lim Hong Thye
Ann Joo Steel Berhad
YBhg Dato' Sri Victor Hii Lu Thian
Ms Lee Pang
Bodibasixs Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Mr James Ha Haw Yew
Dong Sin Food Sdn Bhd
Mr Logeswaran a/l Mariappan
Howard Alat Pertanian Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Seri Dr Hj Haminnuddin Abd Hamid
Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd
YBhg Tan Sri Saw Choo Boon
Mackenzie Industries Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Tan Boon Pun
MDC Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Mr Danny Ng Kian Boon
MTS Fibromat (M) Sdn Bhd
Mr Chua Kay Lin
Nutri Action Sdn Bhd
Ir Kua Jit How
Sadagene Steel Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato J Palaniappan
Satake Technologies Sdn Bhd
YBhg Datuk Noraini Soltan
Sipro (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Steven Aroki
Smane (M) Sdn Bhd
Ms Melissa Cheoh Hooi Gaik
Top Glove Sdn Bhd
Ms Karen Young
Zeito Plastic Components Sdn Bhd
Company Secretary
Cik Han Mong Ying
FMM Secretariat
YBhg Datuk Dr Yeoh Oon Tean, Chief Executive Officer, FMM
1. Notice of Meeting
Notice convening the meeting was read.
2. Special Resolution
On the proposal by YBhg Dato' Tan Boon Pun (MDC Manufacturing Sdn Bhd) and seconded by YBhg Steven Aroki (Smane (M) Sdn Bhd), the following special resolution was unanimously passed by the meeting: -
“That the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Federation as contained in Appendix I of the Members Circular No. GI/ 08/ 2023 dated April 5, 2023 be and are hereby approved.”
The above amendments to the Constitution, upon adoption by members, are subject to the approval of the Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living as required under Clause 8 of the Federation’s Constitution and Section 45 of the Companies Act, 2016.
3. Termination
There being no other business for which notice has been given, the meeting terminated at 2.15 p.m.
Han Mong Ying
Company Secretary