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FMM In The News: BERNAMA, KUALA LUMPUR, April 11, 2023 - The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Institute (FMMI), FMM’s training arm, have partnered to develop a sector skills strategy for the food-processing industry and improve skills utilisation as well as career paths of women and youth from the vulnerable groups, via the Skill for Prosperity Programme in Malaysia (SfP-Malaysia).

Funded by the United Kingdom government, ILO and FMMI will work with governmental agencies, employers’ and workers’ organisations, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions and civil society to deliver industry-led TVET and skills training modalities towards enhancing FMMI’s capacity as a leading sector skills body.

In his speech at the SfP-Malaysia launching ceremony here today, FMM president Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai said this partnership would develop a skills strategy for the food processing industry that will be a shared vision among industry, the government and stakeholders.

“Based on the strategy, the pact will create career progression maps for identified critical occupations tailored to meet the needs of women and youths.

“The FMMI will then run pilot micro-credential training programmes to reduce gaps between workers’ current skills and industry needs and enable the workers to achieve continuous career development,” he said.

Soh noted that the food processing industry accounts for 2.5 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product and 3.5 per cent of total employment.

He said food processing companies face difficulty in hiring candidates with the right employability skills and end up with a skills mismatch.

“Consequently, employees may have to be retained for the job, which may not be feasible for small and medium enterprise companies with limited resources and availability of training funds.

“However, food processing is a critical industry sector which requires companies and its employees to comply with food safety, food hygiene, food quality, manufacturing best practices and regulatory requirements for both domestic and export markets,” he added.

Soh said the industry must be fully engaged to solve the structural issues at both the skills demand and skills supply side to have an effective institutional mechanism.


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