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FMM Anti-Bribery andCorruption Policy and FMM Whistleblowing Policy (GI/17/2023)

Dear FMM Members,

FMM Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and FMM Whistleblowing Policy

We would like to inform all members that FMM and its subsidiaries strive to uphold the highest standards of integrity in the conduct of our businesses and to prevent bribery and corruption. For this purpose, FMM has put in place an Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) policy to establish, implement, maintain, review and improve an anti-bribery and anti-corruption system to support our four Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) objectives: 

i.        Zero-tolerance approach on bribery and corruption culture at all levels including third parties

ii.         Comply with the requirements of Anti-Bribery Management System(ABMS)

iii.   Comply with FMM’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (ABC Policy), Code of Conduct and Integrity Pledge

iv.      Comply with the requirements of all applicable laws, including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009

We would like to inform that the FMM Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy  and FMM Whistleblowing Policy have been uploaded on FMM Website.

The FMM Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy applies to the following:

(a) Board of Directors of FMM group of companies, FMM Council members, members of the FMM Branch Committees, Working Committees, Executive Committees of FMM Industry Groups under the aegis of FMM, employees of the Company (including permanent, part-time and contract (fixed-term) employees) and interns (collectively, “Personnel”);

(b) Any third party (person or entity) who performs services for or on behalf of the Company. This includes actual and potential clients, customers, members, joint-ventures, joint-venture partners, outsourcing providers, contractors, consultants, sub-contractors, suppliers, vendors, agents, distributors, representatives and intermediaries (“Business Associates”); and

(c) Joint-venture entities in which the Company has non-controlling interests and associated companies are strongly encouraged to adopt these or similar principles.

d) independent Industry Groups and Business Groupings for which the Company supports with secretarial services but in which the Company has non-controlling interests are strongly encouraged to adopt these or similar principles.

FMM has established a Whistleblowing Policy with the purpose of providing avenue or course of action to facilitate employees and stakeholders (customers, suppliers, members or third parties) to disclose or report any actual or potential wrongdoing, malpractice, corruption, fraud, favours, illegal or unethical acts by the FMM management, employees, Council, Branch Committees, Working Committees and Executive Committees of Industry Groups under the aegis of FMM which are against FMM’s business practices and conduct.

The policy is established to ensure that the whistleblower shall be protected and FMM will take reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of the whistleblower to the extent reasonably practicable, unless otherwise the whistleblower willingly discloses his/her identity or investigation conducted by the law enforcement authorities that requires the information of the whitsleblower to be disclosed of which FMM has to oblige, thus such obligation to maintain the confidentiality will no longer be obligated by FMM. Whistleblowers are protected under Whistleblower Protection Act 2010. FMM also assures that the whistleblower shall be protected from any adverse or detrimental actions against him/her subjected to the disclosure being made in good faith without malice or consideration of personal benefits based on facts and evidence. FMM shall initiate an investigation immediately upon receiving the report and the whistleblower shall be contacted on the outcome of the investigation.

FMM welcomes and encourages employees and stakeholders to come forward with any concerns regarding possible wrongdoing or unethical act which include but are not limited to the following:

a.  Suspected or actual conduct or activity of fraud including financial and accounting frauds

b.  Suspected or actual conduct or activity of corruption including bribery and embezzlement

c. Suspected or actual receiving, asking or giving any gratification in return for a favour. Gratification may include money, promises, service, etc while favours may include confidential information, special privileges, contracts, etc

d.      Suspected or actual conduct or activity that violates any laws or regulations

e.      Suspected or actual conduct or activity that breaches FMM policies or procedures

f.       Suspected or actual endangerment to public health or safety

g.      Suspected or actual breach of code of conduct or negligence of duty

h.      Suspected or actual misleading or deceptive action or representation

i.       Suspected or actual breach of confidentiality

Any disclosures can be reported via the
WhistleblowingReporting Form.

Datuk Dr Yeoh Oon Tean
Chief Executive Officer

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