YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai
YKGI Holdings Berhad
President Emeritus
YBhg Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai
Top Glove Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Nathan a/l K. Suppiah
ISUS JVC Industries Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Gan Tack Kong
Ngan Yin Food Industries Sdn Berhad
YBhg Datuk Noraini bt Soltan
Sipro (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Goh Boon Kim
Taik Sin Timber Industry Sdn Berhad
Members (Ordinary)
Dr Helena Eian Yeut Lan
Accel Graphic System Sdn Bhd
Mr Tan Kang Cian
Actan (Malaysia) Sdn Berhad
Mr Nedunchelian a/l N Narayanasamy Pillay
Ajcan Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Dr Ir Andy Seo Kian Haw
Alphaprima Engineering Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Lee Teong Li
Amphenol TCS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr Jacob Lee Chor Kok
Asli Mechanical Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Sri Victor Hii Lu Thian
Mr Thean Lip Sung
Autoliv Hirotako Safety Sdn Bhd
Mr Phillip Leong Wai Kok
BJC Foods (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Ms Lee Pang
Bodibasixs Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Mr James Ha Haw Yew
Dong Sin Food Sdn Bhd
Mr Tojo Chang
Eco Power Synergy Sdn Bhd
Mr Sean Yap Yew Xiang
Excel Air Engineering Sdn Bhd
Mr Loke Kean Mun
Flexitech Sdn Bhd
Ms Hah Mei Kian
Fire Fighter Industry Sdn Bhd
Puan Siti Hadzar binti Alihan
Mr Lim Aun Ghee
High Ace Industries Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Dr Hj Haminnuddin bin Abd Hamid
Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd
Mr Jacky Nga
KNM Process Systems Sdn Bhd
Mr Mark Wing Kong
LB Aluminium Berhad
Ir A.K. Woo
Master Jaya Environment Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Tan Boon Pun
MDC Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Ms Mag Ng Foong Yuon
Mega Fortris (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Seri Dr Ooi Eng Hock
Menara Kerjaya Fasteners Sdn Bhd
Mr Ng Lai Choon
Minebea Electronics Motor (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr Danny Ng Kian Boon
MTS Fibromat (M) Sdn Bhd
Mr Kenny Tan Thean Hin
Newbillion Industries (M) Sdn Bhd
Encik Mohd Zulkifli bin Hussain
NFARA S Biotechnology
Mr Chua Kay Lin
Nutri Action Sdn Bhd
Mr Hiroyuki Imizu
Panasonic Manufacturing Malaysia Berhad
Mr Saw Seong Ho
Panerai Engineering Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Hun Keng Kuan
Penfabric Sdn Berhad
Puan Megawati binti Sa'at
Prym Consumer Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Puan Nurul Syahira Aziera Bt Sahimi
S&I Urban Designers Sdn Bhd
Encik Muhammad Syafri
S&I Urban Designers Sdn Bhd
Ir Kua Jit How
Sadagene Steel Sdn Bhd
Mr Jimmy Ong
San Miguel Yamamura Woven Products Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Palaniappan Joseph
Satake Technologies Sdn Bhd
Mr Steven Aroki
Smane (M) Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato’ S Pitchaiappan
Syarikat Kilang Rempa Jaya Sakti Sdn Bhd
Ir Ter Leong Leng
Top-Mech Provincial Sdn Bhd
Ms Gor Siew Yeng
Toray Plastics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr Chong Wan Loong
Unity Forging Technology Sdn Bhd
Mr Au Yan Wei Kiat
UPC Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
YBhg Dato' Mizanur Rahman Ghani
Venator Asia Sdn Bhd
Puan Nurshahida Binti Balia
Zeito Plastic Components Sdn Bhd
Members (Affiliate)
Mr David Low Kai Xiang
Concepts ATC Sdn Bhd
Dr Voon Yuen Hoong
Crowe Malaysia PLT
Mr Stanley Siew Boon Keat
Dyno Klang Fire Protection Engineering Sdn Bhd
Puan Ena Suryani
Kontena Nasional Berhad
Mr Mathanaseelan a/l Thavasimuthu
Northport (Malaysia) Bhd
Mr Kenny Looi Tuck Kian
SGS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Mr Chan Wah Yaw, Messrs Adrian Yeo Plt
Ms Kong Jing Yee, Messrs Adrian Yeo Plt
FMM Secretariat
Dr Yeoh Oon Tean, Chief Executive Officer, FMM
Mr Goh Chiang Fein, CEO, GS1 Malaysia Berhad
Dr Shanmuga Vivekananda a/l Nadarajan, General Manager, FMM Institute
Ms Hema Thiruchelvam, General Manager
Ms Shamini Sakthinathan, General Manager
Ms Law Zee Jean, Industry Group Management
Ms Lin Poh Chan, Finance Division
Ms Phoebe Than, Senior Researcher
Mr Ooi Chun Keong, Information Technology Division
1. Notice of Meeting
Notice convening the meeting was read.
2. President's Address
FMM President, YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai, delivered his address, the text of which is
attached as Annex I.
3. Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended June 30, 2021 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon
On the proposal of Mr Steven Aroki (Smane (M) Sdn Bhd) and seconded by YBhg Dato' Palaniappan Joseph (Satake Technologies Sdn Bhd), Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended June 30, 2021 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors, were unanimously adopted.
In response to YBhg Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai’s question on the financial performance for financial year 2020/2021, Dr Yeoh, CEO reported that FMM’s main sources of revenue are subscription fees and seminar income. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the seminar income was affected due to most events being conducted virtually which resulted in a lower income. For financial year 2021/2022, FMM has budgeted for surplus and will work towards achieving it although companies are generally still reluctant to allow their staff to participate in physical seminars due to the rising cases of COVID-19 infection.
4. Election of Council Members
Under Article 31of the Articles of Association, one-half of the elected Council Members for the time being should retire but they would be eligible for re-election. There were13 vacancies available and 13 nominations duly proposed and seconded, were received and vetted by the FMM 2021 Election Committee on November 9, 2021.
It was noted that there was one vacancy arising from Ms Michelle Hah, one of the Council members, who was elected as FMM Selangor and Kuala Lumpur branch Chairman on November 17, 2021.
With that, Ms Michelle Hah, as the FMM Selangor and Kuala Lumpur branch Chairman, would be a Council member under Clause 24 that "each Branch Committee shall be represented by its Chairman as an additional member of the Council", resulting 13 vacancies available.
On the proposal of YBhg Dato' Mizanur Rahman Ghani (Venator Asia Sdn Bhd) and seconded by Ms Ng Foong Yuon (Mega Fortris (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd), the meeting unanimously votedthat the thirteen (13) nominees, as listed below, be elected to the Council: -
i. Mr Narayanan Ranganathan
Country Managing Director, Malaysia & Group Sr Vice President, Asia
ABB Malaysia Sdn Bhd
ii. Dr Helena Eian Yeut Lan
Managing Director
Accel Graphic System Sdn Bhd
iii. Dato' Dr Ir Andy Seo
Executive Chairman
Alphaprima Engineering Sdn Bhd
iv. Mr Jacob Lee Chor Kok
Managing Director
Asli Mechanical Sdn Bhd
v. Ms Karen Young
Regional Marketing Manager
Hume Cemboard Industries Sdn Bhd
vi. Dato' Dr Hj Haminnuddin Hj Abd Hamid
Chief Executive Officer
Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd
vii. Mr Juan Jose Aranols Campillo
Chief Executive Officer
Nestle Manufacturing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
viii. Dato' Gan Tack Kong
Executive Chairman
Ngan Yin Food Industries Sdn Berhad
ix. Mr Tan Thean Hin
Managing Director
Newbillion Industries (M) Sdn Bhd
x. Mr Hiroyuki Imizu
Deputy Managing Director
Panasonic Manufacturing Malaysia Berhad
xi. Dato' Palaniappan Joseph
Managing Director
Satake Technologies Sdn Bhd
xii. Dato' Goh Boon Kim
Managing Director
Taik Sin Timber Industry Sdn Bhd
xiii. Tan Sri Dato' Soh Thian Lai
Group Executive Deputy Chairman
YKGI Holdings Bhd
5. Appointment of Auditors
On the proposal of Dato’ Dr Hj Haminnuddin Hj Abd Hamid (Ideal Healthcare Sdn Bhd) and seconded by Mr Steven Aroki (Smane (M) Sdn Bhd), the meeting unanimously agreed that Messrs Adrian YeoPlt be reappointed auditors to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and authorised the Council to fix their remuneration.
6. Termination
There being no other business of which notice has been given, the meeting concluded at 11.00 a.m., with a vote of thanks to the chair.