FMM Penang Workshop On Amendment Of The Employment Act 1955 (PG/30/2011)
The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Penang Branch will be organizing a FMM Penang Workshop on "Amendment of the Employment Act 1955" on 18th November 2011 at E&O Hotel, Penang.
This workshop is aimed at providing the latest changes on the Employment Act 1955 and how it affects the industries.
Employment Act 1955 is a law that regulates the relations between employers & employees in the private sector but at the same time holds provision on workers right and minimum standard of employment.
However the main objective of the Act remains to provide basic protection for workers especially the non-unionized to negotiate with their employer for a better terms & conditions of employment.
Since it came into force in 1957, the Act has been amended ten times in order for it to be in line with the ever-changing global environment.
The Employment Act 1955 (Amendment) was originally tabled in Parliament in July 2010 but was withdrawn to further refine the amendment. It was re-tabled at Dewan Rakyat recently and passed.
The recent amendments to the Employment Act 1955 are to ensure more protection for all workers as well as to clarify the positions the employers are in.
Twenty eight provisions have been amended, 17 new provisions were produced and two provisions deleted.
Register now! Enclosed are the brochure and registration form. For further enquiries, please contact Ms Kadaneswari (Ms Chittra) / Ms Owe Yean Roei / Ms Nazliza of the FMM Penang Branch Secretariat at Tel: 04-3992057 or e-mail: / /
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