New / Revised Malaysian Standards (MS). The drafts of new / revised MS on the following products, processes and industry practices are now available for public comment:
The draft documents are not the final industry standards and could be obtained from:
SIRIM Berhad (Attn: National Standards Management and Research Section)
Tel: 03-5544 6340 / 5544 6389 Fax: 03-5510 8830 / 5544 6333
E-mail : std_develop@sirim.my
Website : www.sirim.my.
Where indicated, a fee including 10% for postage would be charged for the drafts.
Malaysian Standards to be Withdrawn Totally. 2 MS under ISC G are to be withdrawn without any replacement.
Comments on (A) and (B) above should be submitted to SIRIM Berhad by 31 October 2011.
Enquiry: Pn Jackie Gan, Business Environment Division, FMM Head Office at Tel: 03-62867200, Fax: 03-62741266/7288, E-mail: Business_Environment@fmm.org.my