FMM In The News: THE EDGE MARKETS, KUALA LUMPUR, Monday, May 24, 2021: The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) wants the government to accelerate the mass Covid-19 immunisation programme through a parallel vaccination implementation by private hospitals and clinics.
In a statement, FMM president Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai also expressed the hope that the vaccination roll-out for economic sectors will be expedited to achieve faster herd immunity.
"FMM reiterates our appreciation to the government, especially the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, for always engaging and facilitating on the challenges faced by the industry. As we weave through this unprecedented pandemic together, it is without a doubt that we are all frontliners in this fight against Covid-19.
"Each and every one of us must take collective responsibility to support the government's continued efforts fighting the Covid-19 pandemic towards ensuring the well-being of the rakyat and revitalising the nation's economy," Soh said.
He added that FMM fully supports the imposition of stricter standard operating procedures (SOPs) to prevent the Covid-19 infections from escalating into a national crisis, which include allowing only 60% of the private sector workforce to be present physically at work while the remaining 40% work from home.
The FMM president said the decision to maintain the opening of economic sectors is critical because the industry would not be able to take another full-scale lockdown as seen during the first Movement Control Order (MCO 1.0).
MCO 1.0, it noted, not only severely impacted businesses but also caused massive loss of employment. Soh said a total lockdown now would cost irreparable damage to the economy and livelihoods.
Soh said FMM will continue to update and advise its members and industry in general to vigilantly adhere to the SOPs and do its part to flatten the curve.
"As this is a very serious matter that concerns individual lives and business survival, manufacturers must take immediate steps to ensure compliance or be prepared to accept the consequences of having their operations stopped with all the subsequent actions that would be taken against them including fines and penalties," he added.