Declaration of Public Holiday on May 23, 2019 in the State of Pahang
Declaration of Public Holiday on May 23, 2019 in the State of Pahang.
The Pahang State Government has declared May 23, 2019 as a Public Holiday.
The said public holiday is not declared under Section 8 of the Holidays Act 1951 and therefore members are not legally obliged to observe May 23, 2019 as a paid holiday except in the following condition:
Members in Pahang with collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment which provide for a paid holiday on All Public Holidays, must observe May 23 2019 as a paid public holiday.
However, members that need to run their operations on May 23, 2019 may,with the agreement of the employees, substitute it with any other day as a paid public holiday.
In the event that member companies decide to substitute May 23, 2019 with any other day as a paid public holiday, the following applies:
1. the date so substituted must not be later than December 31, 2019;
2. employees working on May 23, 2019 will be paid normal days wages;
3. in the event that the employee is required to work on the day substituted, the employee shall be paid public holiday wages.
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